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A Boston Aeroplane's Dinghy


At 12.7.P.M. the coastguard telephoned that an aeroplane had crashed into the sea off Chapel, and the motor lifeboat Anne Allen was launched at 12.37 P.M.

A light N.E. wind was blowing, with a ground swell. Five and three-quarter miles N.E. of Skegness pier the life-boat found the crew of a Boston aeroplane. Two were in a dinghy. One had a broken spine and the other injuries to his legs. A third was in the water, attached to the dinghy by a line. He was dead. With difficulty the life-boat took all three on board and took them to Skegness where they were sent to the R.A.F.

hospital. Two of the airmen were French and one Tahitan. The life-boat also brought back some gear, including two dinghies, and handed it over to the R.A.F. She returned to her station at 2 P.M.. - Rewards, £6 7s..