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Two Ship’s Boats from the S.S. Enseign Marie Saint-Germain


At 11.20 A.M. the coastguard asked for the life-boat’s services for a vessel off the East Cross Sand Buoy, six miles east of Caister, and the motor life-boat Michael Stephens was launched at 11.35 A.M. A light northerly wind was blowing, with a ground swell. The life-boat found two ship’s boats five miles N.E. of Caister. They contained twenty-five survivors from the S.S. Enseign Marie Saint-Germain, of Newport, Monmouthshire, which had been mined while bound in convoy for the Tyne. The life-boat took them on board and landed them at Yarmouth at 3 P.M. Here she learned, at 4.30 P.M., that another boat, with more survivors, had gone back to their ship, and that she was in tow. The life-boat put out, spoke the ship, and finding that the remainder of her crew were safe aboard her, returned to her station at 6.45 P.M. - Rewards, £9 0s. 3d..