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The Sailing Boat Lalzi

AUGUST 11TH. - CLOGHER HEAD, CO. LOUTH. At 12.20 in the afternoon the Clogher coastwatching station reported, through the Civic Guard, that the sailing boat Lalzi, of Port Oriel, was in difficulty to the S.E. of Port Oriel. On board her were the Rev. Father MacCooey, the owner of the boat and the honorary secretary of the Clogher Head life-boat station, and two other men. The motor life-boat Mary Ann Blunt was launched at 12.45. A westerly gale was blowing with a heavy sea. When the life-boat came up with the boat she found that her mast had been carried away in a squall, that the men were trying to row her in, but were unable to make any headway against a strong ebb tide, and that the boat was drifting out to sea. The life-boat took two of the men on board, the other remained in the Lalzi. The life-boat then took the Lalzi in tow, brought her safely into Port Oriel, and returned to her station at 4.15 P.M.

- Rewards, £5 15s..