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S.S. Sard

FEBRUARY 20TH. - CLOUGHEY, CO. DOWN. At 4.55 A.M. the Tara coastguard telephoned that a steamer was ashore in Knockinelder Bay, and the motor life-boat Herbert John was launched at 6 A.M. A light south-easterly wind was blowing, with a smooth sea. The life-boat found the S.S. Sard, of Glasgow, with a crew of thirteen.

They were in no immediate danger, and the life-boat brought the captain ashore to telephone to his owners about a tug. This done, the life-boat put him on board the steamer again, and returned to her station at 12.25 P.M. The steamer was towed off by a tug at high tide. - Rewards, £16 3s. 3d.