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FEBRUARY 5TH. - DUNMORE EAST, CO. WATERFORD. At 11.20 on the night of the 4th February, the coast watcher at Brownstown Head reported that a steam trawler was aground on a sandbank on the east side of Tramore Bay, and was showing flares. The weather had been foggy but was then clear, and it was very cold, with a strong N.E. breeze and a slight ground sea. The motor life-boat Annie Blanche Smith was launched at 12.30 in the morning, and found the steam trawler Gozo, of Milford, with a crew of eight. She was returning to Milford from fishing. It was nearly low water, and the life-boat was unable to get alongside the Gozo, but with the help of the trawler’s boat she ran out a kedge, and then anchored to wait for high water, which would be at nine in the morning. As the trawler did not come off at high water the life-boat took her captain on board, and returned to her station for more help. She arrived there at 11.15. The services of a herring drifter were obtained and at five in the afternoon the life-boat went out again with her. They put men aboard the Gozo to help her crew in lightening her stern, which was on the sandbank, by moving coal forward, and in the end they refloated her. It was then found that she had a rope round her propeller, and the drifter had to tow her to Dunmore. The life-boat reached her station again at 12.40 in the morning of the 6th February, just twenty-four hours since she had first gone out. - Property salvage case.