A Dinghy from an Aeroplane
At 3.35 A.M. information was received from the R.A.F. at Coltishall that an aeroplane had crashed about four miles N.N.W. of Cromer, and the No. 1 motor life-boat H. F. Bailey was launched at 3.58 A.M. A light westerly wind was blowing and the sea was smooth. The life-boat found six Polish airmen in a dinghy, three of them wounded.
A trawler arrived at the same time. Lines were thrown, and the first line caught by the airmen was from the trawler, and they were taken aboard her. She transferred them to the life-boat, which landed them at Cromer at 5.14 A.M. The Director General of Aircraft Safety sent a letter of thanks. - Rewards, £17 10s. 6d.