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The S.S. Heire (1)

FEBRUARY 2ND. - SENNEN COVE, AND PENLEE, CORNWALL. At 5.17 P.M. the coastguard reported a vessel was in distress, and the motor life-boat The Newbons was launched at 6 P.M. A strong N.E. gale was blowing, with a very rough sea. The lifeboat found the S.S. Heire, of Oslo, three miles W.N.W. of The Brisons. She had lost her propeller, was waiting for a tug, and did not need the life-boat’s help. The life-boat returned to her station at eight in the evening and stood by. At 11.4 P.M. a message came that the steamer had fired a red rocket, and was thought to be ashore on the Shark’s Fin, near the Longships. The weather had now got worse. The Sennen Cove life-boat could not be launched, and the Penlee lifeboat station was informed. Penlee also received the news through the coastguard, at about 11.30 P.M., and the motor life-boat W. and S. left at midnight. She found the Heire in a very dangerous position, still waiting for a tug, and stood by her until 9 next morning when the tug arrived. The life-boat continued to stand by until the Heire was safely in tow, and then returned to her station, arriving at noon. She had been out over twelve hours. It was a long and arduous service in bitter weather and the Penlee crew were thanked by the resident naval officer at Penzance. A gift of £16 was madeto them by the master and crew of the Heire.

- Rewards, Sennen Cove, £20 15s. ; Penlee, £26 19s. 6d..