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The S.S. Gairsoppa


The S.S. Gairsoppa, of Glasgow, 5,000 tons, with a crew of thirty, had been torpedoed and had sunk. At 10.30 A.M. the life-boat motor-mechanic saw a small boat with survivors on board. A strong S.W.

wind was blowing and the sea was rough, with a heavy surf. The boat was being carried inshore and was drifting helplessly.

Realising the need for immediate action, everyone made a great effort. The lifeboatmen did not even wait to put on their life-belts or oilskins before launching and they were drenched when the boat was washed from stem to stern as she left the slipway. The efforts were useless.

Before the life-boat could reach the small boat she was right in the breakers. One of the three men on board was rescued from the shore by a coastguard, but the other two were drowned. An increase in the usual money award on the standard scale was granted to each member of the crew.- Standard rewards to crew and helpers, £12 12s. ; additional rewards to crew, £6.

Total rewards, £18 12s..