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The S.S. Fulham II

FEBRUARY 19TH - TYNEMOUTH , NORTHUMBERLAND. At 11.30 A.M. the life-boat station received a telephone call from the Port War Signal Station that a vessel had been mined east of the North Pier, and the motor life-boat John Pyemont was launched at 12.10 P.M. A strong N.N.E. wind was blowing with a rough sea. The life-boat found the S.S. Fulham II, of London, a vessel of 2,000 tons, with a crew of twentyone men. After striking the mine she had drifted on to the Trow Rocks at Marsden.

The life-boat went under her lee side, where a heavy sea flung her against the steamer and she was damaged, but she got alongside and took off twenty men. The twenty-first man, the chief engineer, had been killed by the explosion of the mine. The lifeboat returned to Tynemouth with the rescued men at 2.30 P.M. - Rewards, £10 4s.