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The S.S. Fort Medine

FEBRUARY 20TH. - THE MUMBLES, GLAMORGANSHIRE. At 6.57 A.M. the coastguard telephoned that a vessel had been mined one and a quarter miles S.E. of Mumbles Head. The motor life-boat Edward Prince of Wales was launched at 7.15 A.M.

A light northerly wind was blowing, with a choppy sea. The life-boat found that the vessel was the S.S. Fort Medine, of Swansea, formerly a French vessel, of over 5,000 tons.

There was much wreckage about, but the life-boat saw no survivors. Some, it was known, had been picked up by other boats.

She found two empty ship’s boats of the Fort Medine and towed them in, arriving at her station at 9.30 A.M. - Property salvage case.