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The S.S. Faxfleet


At 11.49 A.M. the coastguard reported a ship apparently aground about four miles east of the look-out at Wells. A strong E.N.E. wind was blowing, and the sea was rough. The motor life-boat Royal Silver Jubilee 1910-1935 was launched at 12.15 P.M.

and found the S.S. Faxfleet, of Goole, ashore north of Stiffkey. She had gone aground on the Haisborough Sands, and had got off, but she was leaking so badly that her master had beached her at Stiffkey to save her from sinking. She had a crew of sixteen. The life-boat took off seven of them and landed them at Wells life-boathouse. She returned at once to the wreck and stood by until after high water. The seas had then moderated and the captain decided to remain with his ship. The life-boat returned to her station at 9.45 P.M.. - Rewards, £35 8s..