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The S.S. Baron Renfrew

FEBRUARY 6TH. - TOBERMORY, ARGYLLSHIRE. At 11.50 A.M. information was received from a resident of Ulva, through the police, that an unknown vessel had been seen drifting towards the Island of Little Colonsay, and at 12.55 P.M. themotor life-boat Sir Arthur Rose was launched.

A fresh S.W. wind was blowing, with a heavy ground swell. After the life-boat had left, it was learned that the S.S. Dunara Castle had the vessel in tow, and that they were off the Inch Kenneth Island. A naval corvette also went out and reached the scene at the same time as the life-boat. They found that the vessel was the S.S. Baron Renfrew, of Ardrossan, of about 3,000 tons. She had a heavy list to port, appeared to have been heavily shelled, and had been abandoned by her crew.

The lifeboat transferred a naval officer from the corvette to the Baron Renfrew, and then, escorted by the corvette, the Dunara Castle towed the Baron Renfrew to Bunessan. The life-boat returned to her station at 9.30 P.M.

- Rewards, £17 19s. 6d.