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The S.S. Baron Carnegie

JUNE 11TH. - ST. DAVID’S, PEM- BROKESHIRE. At 2.15 in the afternoon the coastguard telephoned that the naval base had reported a boat, from a vessel in distress, twelve miles north of St. David’s Head, and the motor life-boat Civil Service No. 6 was launched at 2.45. A light S.E.wind was blowing and the sea was calm.

The life-boat found the S.S. Baron Carnegie, of Ardrossan, of nearly 2,000 tons, bound, in ballast, from Swansea to the Gold Coast. She had been attacked and badly damaged. A tug had come to her help and was now towing her towards Fishguard, but early on the following morning, June 12th, she sank. Of her crew of 39 men, a number had already been rescued by other vessels when the St. David’s life-boat arrived. The life-boat herself found no one alive, but picked up and brought back seven bodies. She returned to her station at 6.30 P. M . - Rewards, £3 14s. 6d.