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The S.S. Ala

MAY 17TH. - SHOREHAM HARBOUR, SUSSEX. At 4.36 P.M. the coastguard reported that a German aeroplane was attacking shipping about two miles south of the harbour, and a few minutes later that the aeroplane had crashed on fire. The motor life-boat Rosa Woodd and Phyllis Lunn was launched at 5.7 P.M. The weather was fine and the sea calm. The life-boat found the S.S. Ala, of Oslo, damaged, and put several life-boatmen on board to help in salving gear, guns and ammunition. Then the harbour tug and another steamer got the Ala in tow, the life-boatmen remaining on board her to help. The Ala was towed in and beached, and the life-boat brought ashore her captain, mate and a naval rating. Others were landed by a naval crash boat. The lifeboat returned to her station at 6.30 P.M.- Property salvage case.