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The M.T.B. Naraya


At 7.25 in the morning information was received, through the coastguard, that a motor torpedo boat was ashore at Downance Cove, Kennack Bay, and the motor life-boat The Three Sisters was launched at 7.40 A.M. A light easterly wind was blowing and the sea was calm, but there was fog. The life-boat found the M.T.B. Naraya, with a crew of ten.

She had run aground and damaged her propellers. An Admiralty salvage officer was on board her, and the life-boat took him into Coverack to telephone to naval headquarters at Falmouth. He then asked the life-boat to tow the Naraya to Falmouth, which she did, arriving there at 4 P.M.

She returned to her station again at 7 P.M., having been out for nearly twelve hours.

The G.O.C. Falmouth sent a message of thanks. - Property salvage case..