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The Keel Boat Thankful, Coble Evelyn Margaret and Fishing Boat Dahlia

NOVEMBER 1ST. - SCARBOROUGH, YORKSHIRE. Wind and sea had got up in the morning while several fishing boats were out, and by eleven o’clock a strong easterly gale was blowing, with a rough sea.

The motor life-boat Herbert Joy II put out, and two miles to the E.N.E. she found the keel boat Thankful, and escorted her back to harbour. She went out again and met the coble Evelyn Margaret, handed life-belts to her crew and escorted her in. During this trip she saw a floating mine and reported it to the coastguard. She put out again and escorted the fishing boat Sceptre past the mine and then, putting out again, she escorted in the fishing boat Dahlia. Putting out for the fifth time she warned a steam trawler of the mine and guided her past it, and on her sixth, and last, trip she met the keel boat Alex, handed life-belts to her crew, and escorted her in. She returned to her station at three in the afternoon. - Rewards, £20..