The H.M.T. Resmilo
At 2 in the morning information came from the senior naval officer that H.M.T. Resmilo had been bombed in Peterhead Bay, and with a doctor and the senior naval officer on board the motor lifeboat Julia Park Barry of Glasgow was launched at 2.15 A.M. The sea was calm, but a variable breeze was blowing and the weather was thick. By the time the life-boat arrived the Resmilo had sunk, and there was no sign of her or her crew, so the life-boat returned to harbour to see if the examination vessel had brought in any survivors, but the examination vessel herself had not come in.
The life-boat put out again, searched the shore and at 4 A.M. found the examination vessel stranded at the west side of the bay.
She had on board the survivors from the Resmilo, twenty-four in number. The lifeboat took them off and landed them at Peterhead Harbour at 4.30 A.M. - Rewards, £8 16s. 6d.