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NOVEMBER 24TH. - WHITBY, AND RUNSWICK, YORKSHIRE. The Whitby fishing boats had gone out about 9 in the morning, and a strong S.W. wind had got up, bringing a rough sea. By three in the afternoon all had returned to harbour except the coble Spray. She had one man and three boys on board. As no news could be got of her, the No. 1 motor life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched at 3.50, and found the Spray six miles away to the north-east with her engine broken down and half full of water. The life-boat took her in tow and brought her into harbour. The Runswick motor life-boat had also put out, but she was recalled when it was learned that the Spray had    been taken in to Whitby. - Rewards : Whitby, £10 11s. 3d. ; Runswick, £15 12s. 6d..