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John Francis

AUGUST 5TH. - NEWCASTLE, CO. DOWN. At 4.10 P.M. a message was received from the Newcastle coastguard that a local fishing boat was in distress three to four miles east of the coastguard station, and at 4.30 P.M. the motor life-boat L. P. and St. Helen was launched. A westerly wind was blowingand the sea was choppy. The life-boat found the fishing boat John Francis at the mouth of Dundrum Bar. John Smith, her owner, a former life-boat coxswain, and another man were on board. Her engine had broken down, and the sails which had been set had blown away. The men had then anchored and made signals of distress. The life-boat rescued them and towed the John Francis into harbour, returning to her station at 6.35 P.M. - Rewards, £21 13s. 6d.