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H.M. Tug Attentif

FEBRUARY 14TH. - ABERDEEN . A t 9.35 P.M. the naval authorities asked for the assembly of the life-boat crew, as H.M. tug Attentif was reported three miles S.E. of Girdleness, with her stokehold flooded. A strong E.S.E. wind was blowing, with a very heavy sea. The No. 1 motor life-boat Emma Constance was launched at 10.5 P.M., but it was not until 1.45 A.M. that she found the tug, which was then five miles N.E. of Girdleness. The Attentif asked the life-boat to return to Aberdeen with an urgent message for a tug. This she did, arriving at 2.40 A.M., and later the Attent if was towed in. - Rewards, £14 11s. 6d.