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H.M. Trawler Valesca

APRIL 1ST. - CROMER, NORFOLK. At 6.25 P.M. the coxswain was told by a private of the 23rd Royal Fusiilers that a vessel about two miles N.E. of Cromer wanted a doctor.

This was confirmed by the coastguards, and at 6.50 P.M. the No. 2 motor life-boat Harriot Dixon was launched with a doctor on board.

A strong S.E. wind was blowing, with a moderate sea. The life-boat found that the vessel was H.M. Trawler Valesca, which had been attacked by enemy aeroplanes. She had been slightly damaged, and one of her crew had been severely wounded. The life-boat put the doctor on board to attend to the injured man, and later took doctor and patient on board, and brought them ashore, returning to her station at 8 P . M . The wounded man was taken to hospital and had to have both legs amputated below the knees. - Rewards, £13 12s. 6d..