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H.M. Motor Launch No. 219

NOVEMBER 22ND. - STORNOWAY, ISLAND OF LEWIS. At 8.5 A.M. a message was received from a naval base that H.M. Motor Launch No.2 1 9 , with a crew of thirteen, was ashore on the east side of Goat Island, in Stornoway harbour, and was in danger of sinking, and at 8.25 the motor life-boat William and Harriot was launched.

A moderate S.S.E. gale was blowing, with a rough sea and heavy rain. When the life-boat reached the launch she found that five of the crew had got on to the island when the launch struck, two of them badly injured.

The life-boat got a rope to the launch and attempted to tow her off, but the rope broke.

She then got another from the launch to H.M. Trawler Harlech Castle, which was anchored close in shore, and the trawler succeeded in towing the launch off. The life-boat stood by until the launch was safely berthed in the harbour, and then, taking a medical officer on board, returned to Goat Island and brought off the five men. She returned to her station at 11.15 A.M. - Rewards, £3 16s..