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December (1)

DECEMBER MEETING, LOSSIEMOUTH, MORAYSHIRE. About 5.30 in the morning of the 30th July, 1941, a motor fishing vessel at sea, some four miles N.W. by N. from Lossiemouth, heard shouts for help, and cruising round picked up two airmen from a Wellington bomber which had crashed into the sea. The weather was fine.

- Rewards, £5 for loss of fishing.

PORTHKERRIS, CORNWALL. About 8 in the morning of the 27th October, 1941, a Hudson aeroplane of Coastal Command crashed into the sea a quarter of a mile east of Porthkerris beach in Falmouth bay. A light northerly wind was blowing and the sea was calm. Three men who were at work in the St. Keverne Quarry at once put out in a rowing boat. The Hudson had burst into flames and submerged very quickly, and they had to pull their boat through burning petrol on the surface of the sea. T h e y succeeded in reaching the aeroplane, and rescued two of her crew of four. - Rewards, £3.

LANGNESS, ISLE OF MAN. About 12.40 in the afternoon of the 13th November, 1941, a British aeroplane was seen to crash into the sea about a quarter of a mile S.S.E. of Langness Lighthouse. A light easterly wind was blowing, with a smooth sea. Two lightkeepers at once went to their boat, carried it over the rocks and launched it with the help of R.A.F. recruits, who were at rifle practice nearby. The keepers rowed to the spot, but meanwhile one R.A.F. recruit had swum out to the help of the airmen, reaching them just before the boat. The keepers rescued the two airmen and brought them and the recruit ashore. - Rewards, £2.

WHITBY, YORKSHIRE. On the morning of the 16th November, 1941, informatio nwas received that a British aeroplane had NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA, NORTHUMBERLAND come down in the sea twelve miles E. by LAND. About 1.30 in the afternoon of the 27th N.1/2 N. of Whitby. An easterly wind was November, 1941, the coble Primrose was blowing, with a rough sea. Runswick and struck by a heavy sea, when preparing to Scarborough motor life-boats put out, but make a landing, and two of her crew of three the low tide prevented Whitby motor life- were washed overboard. The coble was boat getting away at once. In view of this about 150 yards out to the south of the delay the coastguard asked that fishing boats wall of Newbiggin quay, and the sea was should be sent, and three, manned by eleven very rough, with a southerly wind of almost men, left at 9.20 A.M. They searched for gale force. Another coble, the Robert and over three hours, but found nothing.- Sisters, with a crew of three, was near, and Rewards, £10 9s. and £2 for fuel used. rescued the two men in the water. The (See Runswick, Scarborough and Whitby, Primrose, with the other member of her crew “Accounts of Services by Life-boats” page 90.) still aboard, drifted ashore. - Rewards £1 10s.