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Boy Jermyn

OCTOBER 20TH. - HOLY ISLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND. At 11.30 on the night of the 19th the coastguard reported that a steamer in the harbour was making signals of distress. A strong westerly gale was blowing, with a rough sea. The life-boat crew were called out and found that the steamer was only twenty yards from the life-boat slipway, so near to it that the lifeboat could not be launched. They waited until the steamer had drifted clear, and were able to launch the motor life-boat Milburn at 12.30 on the morning of the 20th. The life-boat found that the steamer was the Boy Jermyn, of Grimsby, a drifter engaged on salvage work, carrying a crew of five.

She put one of her crew on board her to act as pilot, and stood by her until she had reached safety. The life-boat returned to her station at 3.30 A.M. - Rewards, £16 17s. 6d..