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An Aeroplane (7)


At 10.50 A.M. information was received from the Chapel St. Leonard’s coastguard that an aeroplane was down in the sea two miles east of the look-out. A light S.W. wind was blowing, and the sea was smooth. The motor life-boat Anne Allen was launched at 11.20 A.M., and after a long search was guided by a British aeroplane to a spot where she found some articles of clothing, some wreckage, and some fragments of an airman. The life-boat returned at 3.35 P.M., taking with her some of the clothing and wreckage, and handed them over to the Royal Air Force to be identified. Later it was learnt that the aeroplane belonged to the American Eagle Squadron and that the pilot was their famous Ace. Both going and returning the life-boat came under fire from troops who were practising with an automatic gun and the crew had to lie down on the deck.- Rewards, £9 2s. 6d.