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An Aeroplane (72)

MAY 7TH. - EYEMOUTH, AND ST. ABBS, BERWICKSHIRE. At 5.15 P.M. the Eyemouth honorary secretary received a message from the Royal Observer Corps post that an aeroplane had been seen to dive into the sea about ten miles east of Eyemouth. At St. Abbs information was received a few minutes later, from the naval authorities at Rosyth, through the Royal Naval Shore Signal Station, that an aeroplane had crashed about five miles east of St. Abbs Head. Both motor life-boats put out, the Eyemouth boat Frank and William Oates at 5.30 P.M., and the St. Abbs boat Annie Ronald and Isabella Forrest at 5.35 P.M. The weather was fine, with a  light north-easterly wind and a moderate sea. With the help of aeroplanes, the life-boats made a thorough search, and the Eyemouth life-boat picked up a rubber dinghy from a German bomber and a petrol tank. These she handed over to the police when she returned to her station at 9.45 P.M.

Guided by aeroplanes the St. Abbs life-boat picked up the body of a German airman, and returned to her station at 9.50 P.M. - Rewards : Eyemouth, £22 11s. 6d. ; St.

Abbs, £14 8s..