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A Boat (5)


At 3.45 P.M. a man told the life-boat, coxswain that a small boat was in difficulties in the South Roads, and this was reported to the naval duty officer who kept the boat under observation. Later a message came from the naval base that the boat was drifting out to sea, and that the occupants were waving a flag. At 4.15 P.M. the motor lifeboat Michael Stephens was launched. A strong N. by E. wind was blowing, with a rough sea.

The life-boat reached the small boat four miles south of Lowestoft, and found her half full of water, with two exhausted men aboard. The life-boat took them off and, with their boat in tow, made for Lowestoft,, but a sea struck the small boat and broke her painter, and she had to be abandoned. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 5.30 PMRewards.

£7 18s. 6d..