Advanced search

Walborg and H.M. Trawler Melbourne

FEBRUARY 15TH. - TYNEMOUTH, NORTHUMBERLAND. At 10.30 P.M. a message was received from the coastguard that a collision had occurred between two vessels, off the Spanish Battery Point, and that the Swedish steamer Walborg, of Stockholm, had gone ashore. A gentle SW. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea.

It was foggy. At 11.5 P.M. the motor lifeboat John Pyemont was launched and found the Walborg, badly damaged. She went alongside and took off fourteen of the crew.

Four remained on board. After landing the fourteen men the life-boat returned to the steamer and stood by her while tugs successfully refloated her, and then accompanied her to a safe anchorage. While she was landing the fourteen men, the life-boat had been given a message that H.M. trawler Melbourne had gone ashore at the harbour entrance. As soon as she was free from the Walborg the life-boat went to the trawler, but found that she was in no immediate danger, and that no help was wanted. She returned to   r station at 8.10 AM - Rewards, £23 13s. 6d.