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The Trinity House Vessel Reculver (1)

OCTOBER 14TH. - THE HUMBER, YORKSHIRE. About 12.30 P.M. a very loud explosion was heard. It came from the Trinity House vessel Reculver. She had struck a mine. An easterly breeze was blowing. The sea was smooth. The motor life-boat City of Bradford II was launched at 1.27 P.M. and found that the Reculver had been taken in tow by another vessel. A doctor was needed and the life-boat went back to her station and brought out a military doctor. Four injured men were then put on board the life-boat, and she took them to Grimsby. In the meantime the Reculver had broken from her tow, and had sunk in deep water before the help of a tug could be obtained. Her crew were able to get away in the ship’s boats and were picked up by a tug. The lifeboat returned to her station at 4.15 P.M. - Paid permanent crew, Rewards, 4s. 6d.