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The S.S. Traviata, Steamer Marte and Trawler H.M. Holyrood (1)

JANUARY 11TH. - CROMER, AND SHERINGHAM, NORFOLK. At 10.39 A.M., the coastguard reported explosions about eight miles to the N.N.E. of Cromer. The weather was cold, with a light easterly wind blowing and a smooth sea. At 10.45 A.M. the Cromer No. 1 motor life-boat H. F. Bailey, was launched, and about 12.30 P.M. she found the S.S. Traviata, of Genoa, a vessel of about 7,000 tons, eighteen miles N.E. by E. of Cromer. She had been mined and her crew of thirty and a pilot were rowing in two boats to the Italian steamer Marte. They all went aboard her except the English pilot, who was taken into the life-boat. At about 1.30 P.M. a destroyer came up, and the life-boat took the Traviata’s captain round his ship to see if it were possible to salve her.

It was not, and at about 4.30 P.M. she sank Her crew were then taken into the life-boat from the Marte. As the life-boat was on her way home, a German aeroplane circled round her and then attacked a trawler, about a mile away, with bombs and machine-guns.

Swooping round again near the life-boat the aeroplane then made another attack on the trawler. The life-boat at once sent word of it to the coastguard by wireless, and then turned round and made for the trawler. It was then about 5 o’clock. The trawler was H.M. Holyrood. Coxswain Blogg boarded her and found that her captain had been injured and his engines put out of action He put one of his crew on board to give firstaid and took the trawler in tow. The lifeboat towed for three hours, and during this time the Holyrood was able to repair her engines. She then went on her way and the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 9 P.M.

News of the aeroplane’s attack was sent to Sheringham, and the motor life-boat Foresters Centenary was launched at 5.7 P.M., but she was recalled when it was learned that her help was not required. She returned to her station at 6.15 P.M.

A framed letter of appreciation was sent to the Cromer Station commending the crew for their services on this occasion and on the following day. - Rewards: Cromer, £39 13s.6d., Sheringham, £28 9s. 6d..