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The S.S. Stanlake (1)

MAY 24TH. - STORNOWAY, ISLAND OF LEWIS. At 6.15 P.M. it was reported by the coastguard that the firing of rifles or rockets had been heard in Broad Bay. Later a message was received from another source that a vessel was ashore near the village of Shader. A light S.W. breeze was blowing, and the sea was calm. but the weather wasthe motor life-boat William and Harriot was launched, but the fog became very dense and on reaching Broad Bay the life-boat had to anchor, and it was not until about 4.30 A.M.

on the 25th that she saw the S.S. Stanlake, of London, at anchor. The steamer had been aground but had floated clear. The life-boat gave her her position and returned to her station, arriving at 7 A.M. - Rewards, £8 5s..