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The S.S. Stancourt

JANUARY 30TH. - BROUGHTY FERRY, ANGUS. At 1.45 P.M. the Carnoustie coastguard reported a vessel ashore on the Abertay Sands, and ten minutes later the motor life-boat Mona was launched. A strong gale was blowing from the south-east, with a heavy sea and snow showers. The life-boat found the S.S. Stancourt, of London, with her bows ashore. The life-boat coxswain dropped anchor in order to veer the life-boat alongside the steamer, but the anchor did not hold, and while he was trying a second time the steamer shifted and lay broadside on to the seas. The steamer now gave the life-boat a lee, so the coxswain hove in the anchor and took the life-boat under the steamer’s lee side. A man from the steamer jumped for her, but she was moving about so violently that he fell into the sea. Before he was swept away life-boatmen had seized him and dragged him aboard. Then the remaining twenty men of the steamer’s crew, watching their opportunity, jumped aboard the life-boat and she returned to her station at 4.35 P.M. - Rewards, £9 18s.