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The S.S. Rynana

JANUARY 22ND. - RAMSGATE, AND WALMER, KENT. At 10.55 A.M. a message was received at Ramsgate from the coastguard that H.M. Destroyer Brilliant had reported that the S.S. Rynana, of Limerick, was aground a mile west of the East Goodwins Light-vessel. The weather was very cold. A gentle N.N.E. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. The supplies of petrol normally carried on board the Ramsgate life-boat had been used up the night before when the life-boat was out for 14 hours, and fresh supplies could not be got from the storage tank at the life-boat station, as the water in the tank had frozen (the petrol is obtained from the top of the tank, which works on the Bywater System, by the entry of water at the bottom). Petrol was got from the naval authorities, but this delayed the launch and the motor life-boat John and Mary Meiklam of Gladswood, on temporary duty at Ramsgate, was not away until 1.25 P . M . She found the steamer high on the sands, with banks of silted sand on either side. This sand and the low tide made it impossible for the life-boat to get near enough to take off the crew. In attempting it she went aground and shipped a great deal of water. She stood by until 6 P.M. and then made further attempts, but still could not get alongside. The weather now began to moderate, and as the crew of the steamer were not in immediate danger, the life-boat returned to her station at 9.45 P.M. It was then decided that the Walmer life-boat, being of lighter draught, should be launched, and at 10.30 P.M. the Walmer station was informed by the Ramsgate coastguard that the Ramsgate life-boat was unable to get alongside the steamer. At 7.10 A.M. the next morning the Walmer motor life-boat Charles Dibdin (Civil Service No. 2) was launched. The wind was then from W.N.W., with a moderate sea. Just before she launched, a message came from the Deal coastguard that distress flares had been seen two miles N.N.E. from the St.

Margaret’s coastguard station. The lifeboat went there first and found a steamer thawing out her deck machinery. She then crossed the sands, reached the Rynana at 9 o’clock, and rescued her crew of thirteenShe returned to her station at 10.32 A.M.- Rewards : Ramsgate, £23 5s. 6d. ; Walmer, £14 12s. 6d..