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The S.S. Queen City

SEPTEMBER 28TH. - FRASERBURGH, ABERDEENSHIRE. At 8.20 P.M. information was received from the Kinnaird Head coastguard that flares and flashes had been seen several miles away in a north westerly direction from Fraserburgh. A s t r o n g northerly wind was blowing, with a heavy sea. The motor life-boat John and Charles Kennedy was launched at 10 P.M., and after going about eighteen miles found a steamer which had been bombed. She was the S.S.

Queen City, of Bideford, of nearly 3,000 tons, bound, laden with steel, from Montreal to Middlesbrough. The life-boat picked up fifteen survivors from a ship’s boat. An Admiralty vessel had picked up twenty. Two had been killed on board the Queen City.

That accounted for the whole crew, and the life-boat returned, arriving at her station again at 2.40 A.M. - Rewards, £9 13s.