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The S.S. Phobos

MARCH 20TH. - RAMSGATE, KENT. At 9.10 A.M. the coastguard reported that a vessel had been mined. A S.W. breeze was blowing and the sea was moderate. The motor life-boat Prudential was launched at 9.22 A.M. and found the S.S. Phobos, of Rotterdam, several miles S. by E. of the North Goodwin Light-vessel. Six of her crew had been killed and forty-nine had been rescued by another vessel. The life-boat brought ashore thirty of them and a naval launch nineteen. Tugs took the Phobos in tow in the hope of beaching her. At 2.30 P.M. on the following day it was learned that the Phobos was still afloat and that her crew had returned to her. The weather was moderate, but the life-boat was requested to stand by.

She launched at 2.55 P.M. and remained with the Phobos throughout the night. When tugs arrived in the morning she returned to her station at 8.20 A.M. As the pumps could not control the incoming water, the Phobos made for Thameshaven, with the tugs inattendance. - Rewards ; £7 16s. 6d., and £27 3s. 9d. A donation of £50 was received from the owners of the Phobos..