Advanced search

The S.S. Meath, of Dublin, and the Admiralty Examinaion Vessel Manx Lad


At 7.40 A.M. the coastguard reported that an explosion had occurred on the S.S. Meath, of Dublin, which was entering the harbour for examination. The weather was fine, with a light N.W. breeze and a smooth sea.

The motor life-boat Ethel Day Cardwell, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 7.45 A.M., but the crew of the Meath had already taken to their own boats and been picked up by another vessel before the lifeboat arrived. A drifter then called the lifeboat alongside and transferred to her an injured man belonging to the Meath and seven of the crew of the Admiralty examination vessel Manx Lad,. which had been damaged by the explosion. The life-boat returned ashore, landed the men at 8.25 A.M.

and then put back to the scene of the explosion to search for more survivors. Bythis time the Manx Lad had disappeared, and the remainder of her crew had been picked up by another ship. The life-boat returned to her station at 9.25 A.M . - Rewards, £3 2s. 6d.