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The S.S. Jamaica Progress

AU G U S T 1 S T . - B A R R A I S L A N D , HEBRIDES. At 2.30 A.M. a telegram was received from the coastguard at Kyle that a ship’s boat under sail with men on board had been seen at 9.30 P.M. the night before, five miles from Barra Head. A moderate S.W. breeze was blowing, with a heavy swell.

The motor life-boat Lloyd’s was launched at 3.15 A.M., and found nineteen men in a ship’sboat. They were part of the crew of fiftyseven of the S.S. Jamaica Progress, of Kingston, Jamaica, a vessel of over 5,000 tons, laden with fruit, which had been torpedoed by a German submarine. The men were taken into the life-boat which, with the ship’s boat in tow, arrived back at her station at 9 A.M. During the day the crew stood by in case they were needed, as another ship’s boat was known to be at sea, but this boat was found by a trawler. - Rewards, £13 11s. 6d..