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The S.S. Highwave

JANUARY 29TH. - WALTON AND FRINTON, ESSEX. At about 6.30 P.M. the coastguard reported a steamer burning flares some three miles N.E. of the Knock Lightship.

A fresh E.S.E. gale was blowing, with a very rough sea and snow squalls. Two extra men were taken. With great difficulty the crew got aboard the motor life-boat E.M.E.D., which lies at moorings, and put out at 7.40 P.M. They searched until 2 A.M., when they found the S.S. Highwave,of London, with her engine broken down.

The life-boat tried to find the lightship, in order to send a wireless message for a tug, but failed, so she returned to her station and passed the request for the tug to the coastguard. It was then 10 in the morning, and she had been out for fourteen hours. An increase in the usual money awards on the standard scale was made to each member of the crew. - Standard rewards to crew, £38 12s. 6d, ; additional rewards to crew, £11 ; total rewards, £49 12s. 6d., and £9 12s. in allowances to a life-boatman suffering from frostbite as a result of this service ; making a total amount of £59 4s. 6d. paid in allowances and rewards.