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The S.S. Hamla

MAY 14TH. - SELSEY, SUSSEX. At 1.23 A.M. information was received through the coastguard from the Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth, that the S.S. Hamla, of London, was in distress about twenty miles from Selsey Bill in a south-easterly direction. A light southerly breeze was blowing with a smooth sea, and there was fog. The motor life-boat Canadian Pacific was launched at 1.55 A.M.

and when she found the steamer at about 6 A.M., tugs were standing by. The Hamla, which was laden and carried a crew of thirtyfive, had been holed in a collision and her boiler had been put out of action. A destroyer arrived and the life-boat took her doctor to the Hamla. The Hamla was then taken in tow by the tugs, and the life-boat escorted them to Portsmouth, returning to her station at 6 P.M. - Rewards, £18 10s. 6d..