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The S.S. Governor

DECEMBER 6TH. - NEW BRIGHTON, CHESHIRE. At 9.15 A.M. the Mersey Docks Board reported a steamer drifting in the Queens Channel, but not in need of help at that time. A heavy westerly gale was blowing, with a wild and confused sea, and the coxswain stood by in readiness. At 1.45 P.M. the news came that the steamer, now near the Formby Light-vessel, needed immediate help, and the No. 2 motor life-boat Edmund and Mary Robinson left her moorings at 1.20 P . M . Near C.4 buoy, in the Crosby Channel, she found the steamer out of control, and a tug trying to get a hawser on board her.

The steamer was the S.S. Governor, of Liverpool, outward bound in ballast. The life-boat stood by until the tug’s hawser had been secured, and then escorted them until the tug had got the steamer into the river, as there was danger, in the channel, of the steamer going aground. The life-boat then returned to her moorings, and as she passed New Brighton landing stage the message was sent to her that her crew should come ashore as soon as she got to her moorings, as an SOS had come from another vessel. The life-boat reached her moorings at 5.30 P.M. and at 5.45 P.M. the No. 1 life-boat put out. The coxswain, second-coxswain and one life-boatman from the first crew formed part of the second crew. - Rewards, £10 4s. 6d.

(See also New Brighton, page 139)..