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The S.S. Goteborg

FEBRUARY 10TH . - ANSTRUTHER, FIFESHIRE. At 11.24 P.M. the coastguard reported a vessel ashore at Fifeness. The night was calm, with a light northerly wind, but the wind freshened later, with squalls of snow. The motor life-boat Nellie and Charlie was launched at 11.53 P.M. with the coxswain - on leave from the Navy - in charge. She reached Balconie Brigs at 1 A.M. and found the S.S. Goteborg, of Gothenburg, Sweden, bound with a general cargo for London. She was ashore in a dangerous position and was leaking. The master asked for a tug, and a signal was made to the coastguard who telephoned to Rosyth. Meanwhile the life-boat stood by, but before a tug arrived the Goteborg had refloated on the rising tide. The life-boat made fast a wire rope to her bow and towed her into such a position that she could get clear. The life-boat then went ahead of her taking soundings, and guided her through the rocks into safe water. The coxswain then went aboard and piloted the steamer to a position between Anstruther and May Island where she could remain in safety until daylight. The life-boat returned to her station at 7 A.M. - Property salvage case.