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The S.S. Glendun

FEBRUARY 16TH. - RAMSEY, ISLE OF MAN. At 12.30 A.M. it was reported that a steamer was ashore one and a half miles S.W.

of Maughold Head and was making distress signals. A S.E. wind was blowing, with a moderate sea. It was foggy. At 1.15 A.M.

the motor life-boat Lady Harrison was launched and found the S.S. Glendun, stranded on the rocks. Her crew of ten had just left the steamer in the ship’s boat, which was very close to the rocks and in grave danger of being smashed to pieces against them..

The life-boat went alongside the boat, rescued the men, and returned to her station at 3.45 A.M. - Rewards, £24 13s. 6d..