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The S.S. Ford Fisher


At 12.30 P.M. a message was received from the coastguard that distress signals were being made on a vessel’s siren. The weather was foggy. There was no wind, but a slight sea. At 12.45 P.M. the motor life-boat City of Edinburgh was launched, and found the S.S.

Ford Fisher, of London, close in shore north of Staxigie. She had been in collision with a trawler and then had damaged her propeller on a rock. The life-boat returned to get the help of H.M. Drifters Violet Flower and Prospects Ahead. Ropes were passed by the life-boat, between the Ford Fisher and the drifters, which then took the steamer in tow, with the life-boat escorting them. The ropes parted several times, and once the life-boat had to tow the steamer off the rocks, but in the end she was brought safely in. The lifeboat returned to her station at 3.30 P.M.- Rewards £4 7s. 6d..