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The S.S. Eldon Park

FEBRUARY 7TH. - THE MUMBLES, GLAMORGANSHIRE. At 1.27 A.M. the coastguard at The Mumbles telephoned that.

a vessel was ashore at Port Eynon and was burning distress signals. A strong S.E.

breeze was blowing, with a very heavy ground swell. The weather was thick with rain.

Visibility was poor. The motor life-boat Edward Prince of Wales was launched at 2.15 A.M., and at 4 A.M. found the S.S. Eldon Park, of Glasgow. She was a steamer of 3,299 tons, laden, and carrying a crew of thirty-seven. Except for the wheel-house, where the entire crew had taken refuge, the steamer was under water. It was impossible to rescue the crew until the tide ebbed, and the life-boat stood by. She then took off the whole crew, and returned to her station at 10.30 A.M. She had been on service for over eight hours. The Eldon Park became a total wreck.

It was a service in which skill and fine seamanship were displayed by the coxswain and crew, and the Institution awarded its thanks inscribed on vellum to COXSWAIN W. E. DAVIES, and an increase of 10s. in the usual money awards on the standard scale to the coxswain and each member of the crew.

Standard rewards to crew and helpers, £23 0S. 6d. ; additional rewards to crew, £4.

Total rewards, £27 0S. 6d. A donation of £26 5s. Od. was received from owners..