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The S.S. Domala and Jonge Willem


At 5 P.M. the naval authorities reported that the S.S. Domala had been bombed by eriemy aircraft in the Channel, and that the Dutch steamer Jonge Willem was off Newhaven, with survivors on board. An easterly breeze was blowing and the sea was smooth. At 5.25 P.M. the motor life-boat Cecil and Lilian Philpott was launched and took off the Jonge Willem fifty-one survivors of the Domala, nine Europeans and 42 Indians. Many were injured and all were suffering from shock.

She landed them, and again went to the steamer and took off three dead bodies, members of the crew who had been killed during the attack. Then the Dutch steamer made a request for the return of clothing, blankets, etc., which had been lent to the survivors, and the lifeboat, which was still lying afloat, took them out to her. She returned to her station at 9.55P.M. - Rewards, £18 7s. 6d.