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The S.S. Brika

JUNE 16TH. CROMER, NORFOLK. At 7.48 A.M. a message was received from the coastguard that the S.S. Brika, of Swansea, was ashore on the Haisborough Sands. A N.N.E. breeze was blowing, with a light sea.

It was foggy. At 8.5 A.M. the motor life-boat J. B. Proudfoot, on temporary duty at the No. 1 station, was launched and found the Brika, 7,000 tons, loaded with iron ore, stranded a mile east of the North Middle Haisborough Buoy. The life-boat coxswain went on board her. The Admiralty tug Muria arrived, and the life-boat passed a rope from her to the Brika. The tug started to tow at 2.45 P.M. and the Brika refloated and was able to go on her way. The life-boatto be followed in order to refloat the steamer.

The life-boat returned to her station at 5.30 P.M. - Property salvage case.

coxswain remained on board her during the whole of the operations, advising the captain when the tow should begin and the direction.