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The S.S. Ashley

MARCH 9TH. - RAMSGATE, KENT. At 2.10 P.M. information was received from the naval authorities that a steamer was in need of help to the north of the North Goodwin Light-vessel. A light S.W. wind was blowing, with a slight sea. The motor life-boat Prudential was launched at 2.17 P.M. and found the S.S. Ashley, of Sunderland, with a crew of seventeen bound, with coal, from Sunderland for Southampton. She was ashore on the Goodwin Sands. The life-boat stood by until the following afternoon. She then put back to Ramsgate for fuel and food, returned to the Ashley and continued to stand by. In the early morning of the 11th the steamer broke her back at the fall of the tide and the life-boat rescued her crew of 17 a n d r e t u r n e d t o R a m s g a t e a r r i v i n g a t 2.40 A.M., thirty-six hours after she had first set out. - Rewards, £46 11s..