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The Prawn Boat Capella


At 10.10 A.M. information was given by an incoming trawler that the mast and sail of a vessel could be seen above water about a mile west of Wyre Lighthouse. A southerly wind was blowing, with a moderate sea. It was snowing heavily. At 10.45 A.M.

the motor life-boat Ann Letitia Russell was launched. She found the prawn boat Capella, a half-deck cutter, which was on her way to Fleetwood from the builders at Conway. Life-boatmen went on board,.

but no trace was found of the two men.

father and son, who were known to have been on board. The life-boatmen then borrowed a small boat from a trawler nearby and went ashore in her. On landing they found the dead body of the elder man, but there was no trace of his son, Harry Wright, who was the bowman of the Fleetwood lifeboat.

The life-boat brought the body ashore, and returned to her station at 2.15 P.M. - Rewards, £5 13s..