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The Formby Light-Ship

DECEMBER 8TH. - NEW BRIGHTON, CHESHIRE. At 2.20 A.M. a message was received from the Dock Board Authorities that the Formby Light-ship had been in collision with an unknown vessel and was adrift. A fresh N.N.W. wind was blowing, with a moderate sea. At 2.58 A.M. the No. 2 motor life-boat Edmund and Mary Robinson was launched. and found the light-ship near the C.3 red buoy. The life-boat went alongside and was asked by the master to stand by.

This she did until 8.50 A.M. The weather was then getting rapidly worse and at the request of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board’s vessel Vigilant, the life-boat rescued the lightvessel’s crew and landed them at the New Brighton stage. She returned to her station at 10.50 A.M. - Rewards £23 2s..