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The Danish Steamers Bothal and Viking


The Danish steamers Bothal and Viking had been sunk by torpedo, with the loss of thirty lives. and the survivors were left adrift on rafts. Two of these rafts were seen by an RAF machine about twentyeight miles S.E. of Wick during the evening.

A N.N.W. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. At 7.45 P.M. the motor life-boat City of Edinburgh was launched, and after midnight picked up two survivors of the Viking's crew of seventeen. A further search resulted in the rescuing of another five men, the only survivors of the crew of twenty of the Bothal. One of them had both legs broken. The men reported that both vessels had been torpedoed without warning. After a further search over a wide area the lifeboat returned at 6.30 A.M. - Rewards, £15 17s.